Please help me in my Fund-Raising efforts for Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments. We are proud to once again be a Partner Agency of AIDS Walk Colorado and grateful to personally benefit from your donation.
The Denver Cycle Sluts host Drag Queen Bingo the First Friday of every month at Hamburger Mary's. Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments will be the Charity of the Month for January. Please come out and support us on Friday, January 8th at Club M at Hamburger Mary's. Doors open at 7PM, Bingo at 8PM.
Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments updated their cover photo.
I am so grateful to all my friends and associates for their generous support! I set an ambitious fund-raising goal of $1,500 for Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments and was able to reach it. Through some additional offline donations, I just reached $1,505! If you were planning on donating to my efforts, there is still time even after tomorrow's event. Just follow the link to my page for the next few weeks and there is still time to donate. Thanks Again, Darrell

- ----- "Life is hard. Oh don't get it twisted. Life is hard. But when you meditate in the morning, it allows you to remember your mission statement. And what people say usually that has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. That is where you learn the tools, Breathe, Laugh, and repeat. ahhhhh ha ha ha ha ! " --- RuPaul See More
- future time discussion ...meeting [ whenever ] -- adaptive thinking THIS IS WHY I HAVE A VALID SOUND AND WINNABLE DISCRIMINATION SUIT AGAINST CHESNEY KLEINJOHN APARTMENTS, PILLAR PROPERTY LLC, ROCKY MOUNTAIN CARES RYAN WHITE AGENCY. Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments…/Chesney.Kle…/Pillar Property LLC…/Pillar.Prop…/Rocky Mountain CARES…/Rocky.Mount…/Tschetter Hamrick Sulzer P.C.…/Tschetter.H…/……/Mpatapo%20-%20…See More
- Mr Darrell Johnson -- Building Manager --- You really ought to know ...that this QR Graphic that I just shared to you --- is included in several QR code graphic images that I have just shared to President Donald Trump via Twitter --- which makes these QR Codes -- important to know they are relevant to #Community #Sharing #Everywhere: Link to search twitter for latest tweets address to President Donald John Trump:…You might find something valuable there ---- as addressed! Yes, I Makta Pond calls you a prick! See More
- APICS Colorado Chapter 81Non-Profit Organization
- Betty Sparkles ButzinPersonal Blog
- Stop-RA ColoradoNon-Profit Organization