And there is content there regarding Micahel Ian of still standing.
Michael Ian Keeps Tr..> 29-Feb-2016 22:07 1.2M
Michael Ian Keeps Tr..> 03-Feb-2017 01:34 -
That holds against your name for sure on site.
That holds as Techno-realism ---- right?
So on to another memespace,
If I do in fact hold these people to their
accountability or moral capital of having
down wrong when they should have done right....
Donald.John.Trump/ 24-Jan-2017 19:19 -
George.Mark.Adsit/ 04-Nov-2016 15:43 -
Hillary.Rodham.Clinton/ 04-Nov-2016 15:43 -
This is one below is an articial intelligence robot code:
Richard.Ashberry/ 04-Nov-2016 15:43 -
and even my very own blood brother:
Dennis.Wayne.Driskill/ 05-Nov-2016 20:38 -
why do you think you should not be listed for your
maligned thoughts against me in all of the relationship
that we were suppose to hold as friends?
Why do you think you do not deserve your spot there?
You absolutely do deserve your listing mark there.
Are you going to acknowledge the truth to the materials
I have sent? I am the better man in all of this? No
matter what failure I had in a relation being destroyed
by a 3rd party Michael Ian -- He does not have a folder
there. He used to for a while. He was still attempting
to sink his deception into my back a while back. He
finally stopped apparently.
Where do you find yourself replying and answer to me
Mr Maier -- you think I am that whacked? -- your cracked.
Answering these things relfects new understandings you don't
have yet in reference ---
The Denial of Other Human Needs
You Mr Maier are the moral responsibile person between
us in that element documented on that site -- of that
offense against me. You may be claim ignorance --- but
I know Wiccan Wiser you are -- you ain't clueless like you
say you are.
- Harold Saunders -- Prenegotiation and
Circum-negotiation: Arenas of the Peace Process
- This article reviews various situations in which peace-building is necessary,
focusing on the processes that take place before (pre-) and during (circum-) the official
negotiations. These arenas are especially important, he argues, because many modern
conflicts are not amenable to negotiation. Here he is referring to need-based conflicts
involving issues of identity, justice, security, and dignity.
This has a new educational resource of merit to which
it says conflict can indeed be placed respectfully wiser
as beyond intractability -- the source foundation
is this domain:
I am the correct thinking way [ Wiccan ] working
this -- and you must at this point be wondering
oh my --- what happened? You lost your friend
of friend all friends -- because of stupid
reasons -- you still hold those positions
against me?
The answer is forgiveness to the level to understand
who and what actually placed moral responsibility,
I am the who targeted those faults and the persons
you did not believe me -- you did not believe the
Sad sad days are ahead of you -- if you cannot see
that reality... I guarantee you.
I hope you find yourself on the other side
of The Quickening -- without loss that I
know you have already oblivion after oblivion
made your mark of insolence.
Thie email will be filed:
This is the last change to rectify a relationship
ruined by an outside influence -- or I am writing
you off to the land which you still stand forever
Creation date of your folder -- in creation.
Good Day
Eric.Samuel.Maier/ 20-Feb-2017 05:12 -

Eric Maier
QA Rep at Telenetwork
Jan 31
Feb 1
On Feb 1, James Driskill said the following:
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
10,591,920 views : as of 10:24 PM 1/31/2017
Published on Oct 29, 2015
What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction.
But maybe it is not that simple.
On Feb 1, James Driskill said the following:
Also Throwing This Out To You:
I know I have the "biggest balls of the them all"
-- now that's not any reason to sack em to hurt me and make them bleed.
@Gruwup #Community #Peacebuilding :
Binding Knot of Reconciliation called Mpatapo
is missing in our modern world of information technologies.